Several Factors Make California Drivers More Susceptible to Auto Accidents

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Although California does not top the list of states experiencing the most traffic fatalities, the state has seen an alarming number of accidents and reckless driving practices, especially since the pandemic started.

When people get behind the wheel of their vehicles, they rarely picture themselves ending up in an auto collision. Unfortunately, even the safest of drivers are vulnerable to suffering painful and costly car accident injuries. Across the country, especially in urban areas, risky driving behaviors and traffic fatalities have risen in recent years. Although California does not top the list of states experiencing the most traffic fatalities, the state has seen an alarming number of accidents and reckless driving practices, especially since the pandemic started. Here are a few factors that play a role in California’s uptick in auto accidents and injuries.

California’s Higher Rates of Drinking and Driving

While driving under the influence has become less common in recent decades, this unsafe behavior still kills hundreds of people in California each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control, California saw 9,288 fatalities between 2009 and 2018 that involved an alcohol-impaired driver. This high number of fatalities was the second-highest in the nation (Texas experienced 13,592 DUI-related fatalities during this same time period). Reports of drivers operating their vehicles while under the influence of drugs or alcohol continue to rise throughout California, putting drivers, passengers, and others on the road at increased risk of serious injury or fatality.

Driving Quality and High Insurance Rates

According to a 2021 assessment of driving risks in all 50 states, California ranked number one as the worst state for drivers. The justification for this ranking stated, “While the Golden State is home to some of the best weather in the United States and ranks reasonably well for safety, it ranks seventh for worst driving quality and is the number one most expensive state for drivers in the U.S. overall, ranking as the eighth most expensive state for car insurance and the most expensive state for gas and vehicle repairs.” These factors likely contribute to California’s relatively high rate of auto accident injuries and fatalities each year.

Talk to a Trusted Riverside County Auto Accident Lawyer Today

Suffering an auto accident injury can be devastating. While you cope with your physical recovery, you must also address the medical bills, lost wages, and other financial concerns stemming from the accident. If you are feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of filing an auto accident claim, enlist the guidance of a knowledgeable Temecula auto accident attorney who can step in and handle this process on your behalf. Your attorney will work hard to maximize your settlement offer and secure you the compensation you need to get your life back on track.


Call Hales & Associates, A Professional Law Corporation, today at (951) 489-3320 to discuss your options for pursuing an auto accident claim in Temecula or Murrieta.