Flipped semi truck

Sharing the Road with Large Trucks Safely

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There are a few basic rules of thumb that can greatly decrease the likelihood of being involved in a crash with one of these large vehicles.

18-wheelers and other large trucks can be an intimidating presence on the road for drivers of smaller vehicles. Fortunately, there are a few basic rules of thumb that can greatly decrease the likelihood of being involved in a crash with one of these large vehicles.

The most important rule is to stay out of a truck’s blind spots, or no-zones. These include both the spaces immediately in front of and behind the truck, as well as, those on either side of the cab windows. Remember: if a truck driver can’t see you, the chance of a serious wreck occurring is greatly increased.

Don’t Linger

Passing trucks with caution and not lingering near them on the highway are other ways automobile drivers can avoid accidents. Always pass on the left at a consistent speed and don’t hang around a truck too long. Truck tires tend to blow out and if they must brake suddenly, you don’t want to be swept up in a dangerous scenario.

Pay Attention

Last, but not least, trucks often veer away from the curb when making wide right turns. Drivers who try passing through this gap can be easily struck once the truck completes the turn. Be patient, pay attention, and wait until you know what a truck driver is going to do before you act. If you or another family member has been badly injured in a collision with an 18-wheeler in the greater Murrieta area, contact a skilled truck crash attorney today at Hales & Associates, Attorneys.