Young man getting head wrapped after a tragic personal injury

Tips for Choosing a Reputable Personal Injury Lawyer

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When you’re seriously injured and need compensation, it’s important to know you can get a reputable personal injury lawyer.

Ask the people you trust about personal injury lawyers

It’s a good idea to ask your friends and family if they know or use a personal injury lawyer. They have your best interests in mind, so they’ll recommend a lawyer they trust. Also if you already have a lawyer (say from writing your will) they can often refer one of their colleagues or friends. They’re in the business and they know what to look for.

Call your state bar

Sometimes they offer referral services to help people find legal representation. Remember though to still thoroughly check each referral that is given to you. Examine their background and qualifications. They could be a good lawyer, but still not have the qualifications to handle your case.

Avoid flashy advertising

There are numerous TV, radio and yellow page ads for attorneys. Ads often don’t use words that are objective. It’s also hard to gauge someone’s qualifications and experience from a quick look at an advertisement.

Contact the ABA website

Go to This website offers information for each state, with links to references and information.

Set up some appointments

Once you have a list of a few names, set up appointments to see your potential lawyers. Right away ask about their fees and if there is an initial consultation fee. This will help eliminate legal representation out of your price range. Ask if they’ve won a similar case to your own. This can help you to gauge their experience.

Above all be a smart consumer. Don’t fall for some ad or the first website you find on the internet. There are experienced personal injury lawyers that can help you get the compensation you need. Contact the professional legal team at Hales & Associates, Attorneys now.