Close up of a hospital emergency sign

What is Standard of Care?

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“Standard of care” is a technical term that refers to generally accepted methods and procedures that all healthcare professionals should apply when treating a patient suffering from a specific disease or disorder. This standard of care may vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the patient’s age and overall condition.

Additionally, the scope of what the law considers “treatment” in California is quite broad. Treatment occurs throughout the entire medical process, so something as seemingly minor as a misdiagnosis may, in certain cases, be considered medical malpractice.

How do I know if I’m a victim of medical malpractice?

In the state of California, it is not enough to establish that your doctor or healthcare professional failed to follow the standard of care. You must also prove that this failure directly resulted in your being injured. This can be difficult, as medical malpractice lawsuits are among the most complex of all personal injury cases.

Complimentary Consultation

If you feel that you have suffered from negligence or misconduct by a member of the healthcare community, don’t delay in contacting Hales & Associates, Attorneys for your complimentary consultation. With over two decades’ experience representing victims of personal injury, we are uniquely suited to answer any and all questions you may have.